You know there is something to be said about being sick. Sure I was sequestered for over a week in a small room and loaded up with medicine and hot beverages. It sounds horrible doesn’t it?
Here are the plusses … Hot tea brought to me every hour.
Sleep. My sleep schedule is finally normal again after literally sleeping days away. I go to bed at 9pm some nights instead of 4:30am.
Little to no responsibility. I can’t possibly clean a bathroom while I’m sick.
Weight Loss … you can’t eat? You can’t gain weight. In fact you lost 8 lbs. I’m not saying try it, I’m just saying whoo-hoo! I lost 8 lbs.
People care. Sure they probably have always cared, but there is nothing like having a friend or a loved one call just to make sure you’re ok.
Movies … all my favorites. Because what else am I going to do for the 2 hours I’m awake every day?
There definitely were some bonuses. Of course, now that I’m not catching, I’ve been spending an awful lot of time cleaning, cooking, snuggling with kiddos and working to catch up on the involuntary week off. I’m eating healthier as I’ve decided I’m going to try this vegetarian thing for a while. Although, I keep having to tell myself french fries are probably cooked in animal fat and therefore are NOT vegetarian … Right? We shall see. I’m back to being busy. Already dreaming of our annual trip to Hawaii in October.
One day, I’ll get to the WPPI recap … one day. For now, back to work.