
Are you an iPhonographer? I am not. I have tried to take a compelling photograph with my iphone. Perhaps I’m trying too hard. Mostly, I get frustrated at the lack of control I have to manipulate the situation. My images are ALWAYS grainy and have a soft focus.

I am constantly asking people who love to take images with their iphones if they’re good … because I want them to show me how. Are there classes for this sort of thing? My son (yes, my son) told me that maybe I should stop trying to control it and just trying to use it how it is. “Like you KNOW you need more light Mom”. I really hate it when a twelve year old knows better. He’s probably right. It has limitations and I just need to work within the parameters of it. It is because I HATE failing at anything that I can’t let it go and just not be an iPhonographer.

So here is the terrible photo for the day … of me. Hopefully as I learn to work within the limitations of my iphone, things will improve. They have to … right?