Some people hate forums. People get catty or up in arms over the smallest things. I have been fortunate enough in my life to be apart of quite a few forums that have really made my life great. Recently I joined a facebook group for photographers in my area and I had the privilege yesterday of meeting a group of really awesome people. Aside from every single one of them being FABULOUS photographers they were just plain great people. The fabulous Brianna Widen brought some of her senior reps. The sweet Melissa Heitkamp brought her daughters and Merilee Dilley brought a couple model grouping. To top it off the wonderful Kaylie Reep was there to provide awesome make-up for the reps. So cool! It was just so much fun. I’d duck around a corner and see people doing amazing things or see a model standing off by herself and kidnap her for 15 or 20 to try and work out an idea I had just come up with in my walking around.
Everyone was so nice & easy going. It was great fun. I started out photographing one of Melissa’s darling triplets (yes I said triplets) because kids are my comfort zone. She was outgoing and ready to work. These are the first shots I took of the day and they’re huge contenders for favorite shots ever!
Can you believe there are three girls just as beautiful? I somehow missed the opportunity to photograph her sisters. I was really hoping to get the two that were there to model to do a duo shot so I could show off their personalities and just how different they are but time got the best of me. Maybe I can talk Melissa into letting me try. 😀
There were a variety of other shots of various models but with 400 plus images I will never get anything done if I sit here blogging each and every image of these gorgeous girls.
So here are some of the highlights: