I am a photographer. I have my camera out for almost every single event in my family’s life. I can’t help it. There are very few images of me as a child with my twin brother and/or with sisters. Almost none with my Mom. This (I think) is one of the main reason I’ve become a little crazy about documenting my children’s young lives. I love to look back. The memories attached come back full of joy or tears or awe every time I look at these images.
So what’s my crazy confession? There are very few images of me with my children. This is mainly because I’m always trying to capture the moment instead of being present in the moment. I know that my children will remember me being there but there is little to no evidence of me in their childhood. It makes me sad to think of it. On top of that my own insecurities make me camera shy. I don’t want to be documented at this weight or with this hair or whatever else might possibly be wrong with me. I realize that I am not the only one out there who suffers from this affliction. I know this sounds crazy but one day, I won’t be here anymore. I want my children to look back and remember. I want my grandchildren to look back and know I was there. I want my great grandchildren to know they descend from a loving happy family that had a pretty cool and somewhat silly Mom in it. So ……. I am challenging myself to get my photo taken more often with my boys as well as hand the camera over to my husband. Real life images of my boys and I snuggled up happily or laughing at something entirely ridiculous. In time I know that the only one who will ever care about the bad hair or the extra weight will be me. My family will be happy just to see me there. Ok … so it’s out there. I’m a photographer who rarely gets her picture taken. I know I’m not alone. I challenge you to do the same. Be present and be documented. Your loved ones will thank you (and me)! Next time you see me … let’s take a picture together. Proof we both exist! 😉